Cryotherapy can Reduce Pain + Inflammation from Lupus
Selena Gomez recently made headlines by ending her world tour early due to side effects from Lupus. Lupus is a chronic auto-immune disease which causes the immune system to erroneously attack health connective tissue throughout the body. Lupus causes skin rashes, muscle and bone issues, gastrointestinal problems, depression, heart and lung impairment and issues with reproduction, blood circulation and mental health. Selena Gomez revealed a year ago that she had undergone chemotherapy to treat the chronic autoimmune disease—chemotherapy drugs can reduce immune system activity but do have severe side effects.
Selena Gomez, who is 24, told fans that she is struggling with lupus-related panic attacks and depression. The illness affects five million people worldwide, according to the Lupus Foundation of America. There are several forms of lupus but the most common, and the one that Ms. Gomez suffers from, is called Systemic Lupus Erythermatosus SLE. The cause of Lupus is unclear but risk for the disease is higher among females, those with Vitamin D deficiency, smokers and individuals exposed to high levels of sunlight.
While all Lupus sufferers experience chronic inflammation, other symptoms of Lupus vary by individual in terms of nature and severity. Chronic inflammation leads to chronic pain, mobility issues, stiffness and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. Inflammation is also linked to organ damage in the heart, kidneys and lungs, hair loss and skin disorders.
Traditional treatments for Lupus include anti-inflammatory medications such as steroids. Chemotherapy may be recommended to suppress the immune system—these drugs severely impair the immune system and can be very debilitating to overall health. Since Lupus is a chronic auto-immune disease there is currently no cure—the best treatments inhibit inflammation which causes the majority of negative symptoms.
There is a significant link between Lupus and depression. There are a number of reasons for this relationship—most importantly, recent research points to inflammation as a major cause of depression, anxiety, mood disorder, dementia, mental aging, memory loss and even Alzheimer’s. Inflammation changes brain chemistry (serontonin, dopamine and norephinephrine levels are affected) and can damage neurons along with white and gray brain matter. Since inflammation interferes with normal brain function, mental illnesses can develop. The stress of coping with symptoms related to Lupus and steroid use can also contribute to depression.
How can cryotherapy help symptoms related to Lupus? Cryotherapy is the brief application of very cold temperature to the skin. Treatment is limited to 3 minutes and is extremely safe when conducted by certified cryotherapy technicians trained in the science and application of cryotherapy. Our bodies’ interpret exposure to cold as a “stressor” and respond in the same way that our bodies respond to vaccinations: brief cold exposure causes all bodily functions to upregulate, detoxify and return to homeostasis—the natural equilibrium where all physiological systems work best. This upregulation improves cardiovascular, pulmonary (lung), endocrine, gastrointestinal, cognitive, lymphatic, circulatory and musculoskeletal systems. Hormones return to a balanced level, breathing function and blood circulation improve along with mental, heart and gastrointestinal function.
In addition to upregulating all bodily systems, cryotherapy is inherently anti-inflammatory. Whole body cryotherapy triggers a vasoconstriction/vasodilation sequence which evacuates inflammatory markers from blood vessels and tissues.
Whole body cryotherapy also triggers the release of multiple anti-inflammatory biochemicals, endorphins and cytokines. These biochemicals are blood-borne and reach every cell in the body, reducing inflammation in the GI tract, the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and all other areas of the body. Cryotherapy can effectively reduce symptoms related to Lupus by suppressing inflammation at the cellular level throughout the body.
Additionally, the biochemicals released during cryotherapy contain analgesics—clients with Lupus, and other auto-immune disorders—experience significant reduction in pain, joint stiffness and immobility. This is an incredible positive effect of cryotherapy—chronic pain from injuries, health conditions and inflammation can be reduced.
Cryotherapy has also been shown to dramatically improve mental health and performance—reducing inflammation in the brain balances neurotransmitters and can reverse damage. Cognition, memory and concentration have all been shown to improve with cryotherapy treatment. Additionally, the release of endorphins elevates mood and improves sleep patterns. Lupus patients may suffer sleep disturbances due to chronic pain, stress and inflammation—cryotherapy has been shown to help.
Chill Cryotherapy in Upper Montclair, has a board-certified medical advisor who has designed our Lupus treatment program. Our treatment program is the most safe, effective and efficient cryotherapy treatment available. We are currently accepting participants into an auto-immune treatment study at reduced rates. For more information on how to participate, please call 973-337-6416