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New Research: Acne is Caused by Inflammation

Acne isn’t fun. The skin condition affects roughly 80 percent of adolescents and can persist well into adulthood. The psychological and social impacts of acne are especially serious because it affects adolescents at a crucial period when they are developing their personalities. Peer acceptance is very important for this age group and research shows that there are strong links between physical appearance and peer status.

Cryotherapy can Reduce Pain + Inflammation from Lupus

Cryotherapy can Reduce Pain + Inflammation from Lupus

Selena Gomez recently made headlines by ending her world tour early due to side effects from Lupus. Lupus is a chronic auto-immune disease which causes the immune system to erroneously attack health connective tissue throughout the body. Lupus causes skin rashes, muscle and bone issues, gastrointestinal problems, depression, heart and lung impairment and issues with reproduction, blood circulation and mental health. Selena Gomez revealed a year ago that she had undergone chemotherapy to treat the chronic autoimmune disease—chemotherapy drugs can reduce immune system activity but do have severe side effects.

Cryotherapy works on the same science as vaccines

Cryotherapy works on the same science as vaccines

Cryotherapy and Vaccines: They Work on the Same Science. Vaccination is a familiar concept—a tiny prick from a needle provides us with years, even a lifetime, of immunity to a host of lethal diseases. At first glance, the idea of exposing our bodies to potentially toxic agents seems ludicrous—how could being injected with chicken pox, diphtheria or hepatitis ever make us healthier?

Cryotherapy for Weight and Fat Loss: How it Works

Cryotherapy for Weight and Fat Loss: How it Works

Everyone wants to know how this works! Cryotherapy is a new concept for most people and knowledge on how and why cryotherapy can activate weight and fat loss is not readily available. At Chill Cryotherapy in Upper Montclair, we have a medical staff who oversees our weight and fat loss protocols. We have helped many clients lose weight (and inches, including cellulite). We have trademarked protocols which offer our clients personalized and medically based treatments for losing weight and fat.

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