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We Are Re-opening SOON.

Here's What to Do Before You Come Back to Chill.

1. Please sign the updated ChillRx Consent and Release BEFORE you come back to Chill.

This form now includes the NEW Slim Pod Treatments and COVID19 Waiver. We are trying to minimize iPad usage and sharing. Clients must sign this before receiving services at ChillRx Montclair.

2. Please come to Chill wearing a face mask

You will keep your mask on throughout your time at Chill in order to protect yourself and others. Infrared sauna and slim pod clients may remove their masks once in the treatment rooms; ChillSkin and CryoFacial clients may remove their masks during treatment; your technician will be wearing a mask and face shield during your treatment.

Man Wearing Latex Gloves and face mask indoors. Caucasian male using medical gloves while working at home during quarantine for virus prevention.

3. Upon arriving, please use the Purell stations in the reception area to sanitize your hands.


4. A Chill technician will screen you prior to treatment.

  1. We will take your temperature with an infrared thermometer gun.
  2. Ask if you have had a fever in the last 24 hours.
  3. Ask if you have been sick in the past 2 weeks or since your last visit.
  4. Ask if you have been exposed to a sick person.
  5. Ask if you have visited an area with an outbreak of Covid19

We are counting on your honest responses.

Please Note: If a client arrives with a fever or answers yes to any of the screening questions, he or she will be asked to reschedule their appointment. We cannot allow clients to receive services at Chill if any of the above questions are answered yes.


5. Please adhere to social distancing guidelines while at Chill.

We have removed most of the seats in our reception area and in the hallway outside of the cryotherapy room. Please stand on the sputniks in the reception area and maintain 6 feet between clients whenever possible. Please no physical contact with clients or staff. No hugs, handshakes or high fives!

6. We have Purell hand sanitizers throughout Chill.

Please use them freely, especially if you touch your face, sneeze, etc. If you use the restroom, please thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water and use a paper towel to open the bathroom door.


7. If you are doing whole body cryotherapy please allow your technician to give you a head band, gloves and clogs.

You will wear your own mask in the machine. After your treatment, take your clogs off - your technician will return them to the rack. A laundry basket has been placed outside of the cryotherapy room - place gloves and headband into the laundry basket before returning to your dressing room. On your way out of the dressing room, deposit your socks and robe into the laundry basket. Please try not to leave them in the dressing room - we are trying to minimize employee handling of robes, towels, etc.


8. If you are doing Slim Pod or infrared sauna please bring your own towels.

If you forget it is ok, we will give you one of ours. We are trying to minimize staff contact with sweaty towels. Please carry your towels in a bag (feel free to use one of our Chill bags) and leave with the used towels in your bag.


We looking forwarding to seeing you soon!

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